Wednesday, January 12, 2011

James Jarvis

One of the pioneers in the crazy world of designer vinyl toys, is British illustrator James Jarvis well know for his own three-dimensional casts of characters as the World of Pain, In-Crowd and latest Caleb plastic vinyl toys.
Jarvis studied illustration at the University of Brighton and also managed to obtain a masters's in illustration from the Royal College of Art and started off as a freelance illustrator.

In 1998, a Japanese friend suggested to him that he should turn the characters he drew in simple, sparing strokes in his illustrations into toys which he did by creating the engagingly raffish Martin, for the London-based fashion company Silas with the help of Japanese label Bounty Hunter. Jarvis then developed equally engaging characters to live with Martin in the World of Pain. Eager to create different characters, who would not neccessarily fit in to the World of Pain, he then invented the In-Crowd series of figures.

In 2003, Jarvis together with Russell Waterman and Sofia Prantera, established a company, Amos, to independently promote Jarvis' designs. TO date Amos has released over a 100 character toys, including the iconic King Ken and the Caleb. Lastly, Jarvis also directed his first film in 2009, Onwards, in collaboration with Richard Kenworthy.

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